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Productivity Hacks For Real Estate Agents

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For even the most veteran real estate professionals, managing time can be a struggle. That’s why it’s time to take advantage of a resource that you may be underutilizing: the weekend.
Sure, you’re likely taking care of some real estate tasks on the weekend, as very few in the industry get to enjoy the standard 9-5 workweek; however, there are some things you can take care of over the course of Saturdays and Sundays during lulls that don’t take too much brainpower and will ultimately make the rest of your week run more smoothly.
Here are just a couple of ways to boost your productivity over the week without feeling like you’re really doing work:
Organize your emails.
Chances are, you’re going through some of your personal emails on the weekend already. Why not take care of some of your work emails, as well? You don’t have to spend an hour on it; just 5-10 minutes will reduce the clutter you’ll have to face Monday morning.
Schedule out your week.
This is another task you can tackle head-on and it won’t exactly feel like working. You’re actually planning out when you’ll do your work, rather than doing the work. Again, this should take less than an hour, and it’ll only serve to ease you into your week first thing on Monday.
Some of your weekend time may be spent showing homes or holding open houses, but some of your time should also be reserved for relaxing or enjoying a little of your own time, if possible. In real estate, it’s often difficult to avoid work-related activities altogether on the weekends; however, if you’re able to wade through some emails or get a bit of planning for the week done during some downtime, you’ll be thanking yourself when the week really starts to pick up.
About the Author: Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s blog and social media editor. Email him your real estate news ideas at [email protected] For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.

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