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I am a Housebuilder initiative launches mentorship programme to drive gender equality in the industry

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I am a Housebuilder, the initiative set up by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for SME Housebuilders, has announced the launch of its mentorship programme that will pair women working in the housebuilding/construction sector with senior female leaders from UK SME housebuilders.

The I am a Housebuilder Mentorship Programme aims to break down barriers to entry, making the housebuilding sector a more inclusive environment in which women can excel and rise to senior leadership positions. The long-term objective of the programme is to increase the number of SME housebuilders, which would help tackle the skills shortages within the industry and boost housing delivery.

The initiative is spearheaded by the Magnificent Seven, a group of seven women who each run successful SME housebuilding businesses and are committed to supporting the next generation of female talent as mentors. They are Xuan Meng, founder and director of Cosy Hauz, Charlotte Edwards, managing director of Dennis Edwards Homes, Georgina Hammond, co-founder and director of Beau Property, Sarah Barraclough, managing director of Skipton Properties, Rosey Cassidy, director of Newman Rose, Sophie Horgan, director of Horgan Homes and Alice Maughan, creative director and designer of Stronghold Homes.

The mentorship programme is sponsored by Saint-Gobain Interior Solutions and is open to women aged 21 or older who are entitled to work in the UK and who have at least four years’ experience and/or qualifications in construction or housebuilding.

Edwin de Silva, secretariat for the APPG for SME Housebuilders, commented: “SME housebuilders have a hugely important role to play in our economy but adverse fiscal conditions have seen their numbers plummet. Opening up the sector to a wider range of talent will foster diversity of perspective and experience, driving innovation and growth. There is so much talent that is yet to be tapped into and we hope the mentorship programme will help elevate the next generation of female leaders. Such is the need for the programme that we actually received applications before the launch and have already started work!”

Georgina Hammond, director of Beau Property, said: “Women have been massively underrepresented in housebuilding, meaning fewer role models to look up to. I’m a firm believer of the saying ‘if you can see it you can be it’ and our mentorship programme will tackle tired stereotypes, show what success looks like at a senior level for women and demonstrate just how rewarding housebuilding can be as a career choice.”

Ian Winroth, residential sector director at Saint-Gobain Interior Solutions, commented: “Ensuring an inclusive environment is a priority for Saint-Gobain which is reflected in our company’s pledge to reach 30% female executives by 2025. Supporting initiatives such as I am a Housebuilder is vitally important for breaking down obstacles to diversity. Women leaving the construction and housebuilding workforce and not ascending to leadership positions or setting up their own businesses is worsening the talent gap. While attracting young talent to the sector is important, it is equally essential to create an inclusive environment to build and sustain a diverse workforce. Inspirational leadership, like that demonstrated by the Magnificent Seven, plays a key role in supporting this goal.”

As part of the programme, mentors and mentees will meet on a quarterly basis and will be in regular contact with mentors offering guidance and strategic counsel to help mentees advance in their careers.

In addition to career guidance, those participating in the mentorship programme will have access to legal advice and support from law firm, James & West, which specialises in promoting safe workplaces where employees are empowered to speak up.

Applications for the programme close at 5pm on Friday 27th September and will be judged independently by a panel comprising the Magnificent Seven housebuilders; the secretariat for the APPG; representatives from the programme’s sponsor, Saint-Gobain Interior Solutions, and other industry leaders.

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